Saturday, November 17, 2012

Does God care about injustice?

This week was the last week of the lecture phase (part one of two) of my Discipleship Training School. We discussed worldviews as they relate to justice. In our lectures this week, we looked at the question: Does God care about injustice? 

And the answer: Yes, God cares deeply. The prophets in the Old Testament talk about God’s justice constantly. And we know that God’s character does not change. Here are just a few verses:
Amos – the entire book

I think that one of my friends put it well during a discussion this week: If God is your thing, then justice is your thing.

So, this week we will be preparing for outreach. We will also be celebrating Thanksgiving (my mom sent some stuffing mix and a fudge kit!)! And then on Monday, November 26, I will begin the outreach phase (part two of two) of my DTS.

Here's my outreach team and our newsletter! :)
If you’d like to keep up with us while we’re out and about, we will try to update our Facebook page here.  I am not planning to bring my computer, so I anticipate that updates on my blog might be much fewer and farther between. I will do my best, though! Please feel free to keep in touch via Facebook and email. :)

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